Tuesday 11 September 2012

Welcome Autumn!

It is now mid September, and in Scotland, that means Autumn is finally here! Meaning that the summer shorts are shoved up to the back of your wardrobe and you bring out and dust off the old pair of wooly tights and coats AND scarves that you have. I have a serious love/hate relationship with Autumn, as some days it will be FREEZING and you bring out the big wooly coat combined with a scarf, hat and a pair of gloves, but then half way through the day the sun will come out and you are boiling! You can never predict the weather in Autumn, but here is an outfit that I wore quite frequently in Autumn and Winter last year and I feel that it is still in for this year.

This jacket is my all-time favourite, I absolutely adore the colour, detail and shape of it. It's literally a bright orange, but don't mistake it for a neon orange as it is not that shade, it's more a bright orange with red undertones, but it is still more on the orange side. I love the puffed up shoulder detail, it gives the jacket immediately more elegance and class, and I also love how it comes in at the waist slightly to give your figure a curvy edge. The brown buckles at the front are also lovely, I really am so glad that the buckles are brown because they are neutral and mean I can wear a brown bag and it will look fine.

 I got this from a boutique called Yumi in York, I think they have stores only in England, but they have an online store (yay!) which you can see here :) My scarf is unfortunately does not have a tag on it to show where it is from and I can't remember what store it is, however I got it in Edinburgh this year and I love it, it's just a silky kind of material with white hearts all over it, it's quite thin so I wouldn't wear this in the dead of Winter as I would freeze :(

The pockets are just normal except the detail into the pockets is beautiful, it's a bow shape and it has the same material at the back (as you can see below) and I just think this, along with the shoulder detail, makes the jacket so so so so SO elegant and overall beautiful to wear on every occasion. The jacket also comes out a bit from the buckles down, as because the buckles stop quite high up the jacket just flows to each side, again creating a curve to your figure, and the slit from the buckle down doesn't really bother me, it doesn't let the cold or anything come in, the jacket usually does just stay put so it keeps all the warmth inside!

Along with this jacket I wore a cosy furry grey hoody from Mantaray in Debenhams which I don't think is on sale anymore as I bought it last year, sorry! I also wore my treasured black Vans and my converse bag which I got in Germany, to give the outfit the extra pop of colour, as the bag basically has lots of bright converses all over it (quite ironic when I'm wearing my vans.)

So that's about it! I love this jacket so much, I will be bringing it out very soon as for the first time in months I actually wore a hoodie, so soon it will be jacket time. I hope you enjoyed reading this and have a wonderful week. :)

Hannah, xx

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